The two-level CIPM program is based on an online, self-directed curriculum that allows candidates to study and earn the credential while staying fully employed. To earn the certificate, a candidate must enrol and pass two exams, become a regular member of the CIPM Association, and meet professional experience requirements. There are two exam periods per year, so it is possible to complete the program in one year.
Both the Principles and the Expert exams test the following concepts:
The Principles level emphasizes the conceptual foundations of performance measurement, attribution, and appraisal as well as the provisions of the GIPS standards. The Expert level emphasizes performance evaluation and presentation, including application of the appropriate tools and inputs in more complex situations and the GIPS Guidance Statements.
Learn more about the CIPM Program
Links to the current study guides for each level. These provide an overview of what candidates will learn in the program:
Principles: cipm_principles_studysessions.pdf
Expert: cipm_expert_studysessions.pdf