Association of Investment Professionals in the Netherlands
My membership

CIOP Register

27 results
Member Social media
Nanco Bakker
N. Bakker
Tim Barlage
T. Barlage
Dennis Bastiani
D. Bastiani RA MSc
Eric Biljard
E. Biljard
Johan de Bruin
J. de Bruin
Peter Burrie
P. Burrie
Michel Dantuma
M. Dantuma
Niels Drost
N. Drost
Harry Geels
H. Geels
Frank Huijgen
F. Huijgen
James Jackman
J. Jackman
Hans Janssen van Doorn
H. Janssen van Doorn
Eric Kuijpers
E. Kuijpers


Certified Investment Operations Professionals can be enrolled in the CIOP Register. The register is maintained by Stichting VBA Opleidingsinstituut Morreau.

Would you like to join the register?
You can only do so if you have successfully completed the CIOP program (or its predecessor CIP) at CIOP.Academy. Furthermore, membership of the society is a prerequisite for entry in the CIOP register and achieving 6 Professional Learning (PL) points per year.

Data privacy laws requires requires individuals to give consent for their personal data to be shared to third parties. Thus, the CIOP Register shown might not be complete.

Have you completed the CIP or CIOP program and is your name missing in the register? Please contact us

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