25th of October will be our bi-annual General Meeting of Members. It will be an in-person event at the Rosarium, Amsterdam.
We will present our 2022-2023 annual accounts and kindly ask our members to approve of the accounts. We will also discuss important developments. At this meeting we will also say goodbye to president Melinda Rook, treasurer Cees Harm van den Berg and general board member Anisa Salomons. They have served several terms for the board and were incremental in the merger of CFA Society Netherlands and VBA.
So please join us in giving them a well-deserved farewell. Details on the agenda to follow.
Schedule: 15:30-15:45 Welcome with coffee 15u45 -16:30 Raymond van Es & Daniel van Dam: impact of AI language models - such as ChatGPT - on investment management and profession
Join us and learn about the real-world applications of Machine Learning and AI Language models such as CHATGPT and their potential and limitations for Investment Management.
Raymond (practice lead for Data Science & AI) is a Senior Data Science Executive who easily combines strategic business insights with, hands-on, advanced data analytics and machine learning skills, with a focus on growth and profitability.. Daniel van Dam is a Lead data scientist with a background in Business analytics and a passion to add value with data. Both work at Milliman)
16u30-17u30 General Members Meeting 17u30- Drinks