Inflation in advanced economies has risen to the highest rate in a decade. This burst has sparked fears of a shift to a high inflation regime. However, even so many believe that higher inflation might not prolong at all. We have invited two speakers who will discuss this topic from different angles. After the presentations an interactive panel discussion will follow with plenty of room for your questions.
15:00-15:15 Welcome and introduction
15:15-15:45 Lukas Daalder: Structural changes will lead to higher inflation (volatility)
15:45-16:15 Han de Jong: Why fears for sustained higher inflation are exaggerated
16:15-17:00 Panel discussion + Q&A (panel members: Anke Cornelisse - APG Asset Management, William de Vries - Triodos Investment Management en Hans de Ruiter - St. Pensioenfonds TNO)
17:00 Drinks and bites
Bio: Lukas Daalder is the Chief Investment Strategist for BlackRock the Netherlands, the world’s biggest asset manager. During his thirty year career he has held positions ranging from researcher to investor, market maker and strategist, with financial markets acting as the common thread. Within the Dutch financial sector he is well known for his podcast (Daalder Denkt Hardop) and his weekly column in the financial newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad, for which he has been writing a weekly contribution for the past eight years.
Bio : Han de Jong is an independent economist. For most of his career he has worked on economic issues that are particularly relevant for participants in financial markets. Han currently works for BNR radio, is an advisor to several family offices, a charity and an insurance company. He writes regular commentary on his own website, Crystal Clear Economics. Until the end of 2019, Han was the Chief Economist with ABN AMRO, having worked for that organisation in various other roles as well.