(Event in English)
Benchmarks take an important role in investment policies. By choosing your benchmark, you already make significant decisions on the sustainability of your portfolio. Let’s dive in and hear different perspectives on sustainability and benchmarks!
Arian Borgers (Philips Pensioenfonds) will get us up to speed by providing insights in how Philips Pensioenfonds made their benchmark decisions and more importantly, why they made them that way.
Robert Edwards (Morningstar) continues and opens the bonnet of benchmark developing and providing the main choices one can make, ESG-wise and their consequences.
Jurgen Veenker (AFM) provides insight in transparency obligations for benchmark administrators and AFM supervision.
Martijn Huijnen (SER) will chair the meeting and the discussion afterwards. The meeting and especially the discussion will be interactive and we encourage you to ask your questions! You take home an overview of the possibilities and limitations benchmarks provide towards sustainable investing.
Time: 15h30-17h10 + drinks
Location: Rosarium, Amsterdam
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