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Finale CFA Research Challenge Benelux

20 February 2023

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Finale CFA Research Challenge Benelux

Finals CFA Research Challenge Benelux

(English event)

After a month preparation the CFA Research Challenge finalists will present their findings on PostNL, this year's company of interest. Who will turn out to be the best analyst of the Benelux and progress to the CFA Research World Final? And what does he/she have to say about PostNL? Come and find out!


14:30:  Welcome reception (openbare beurs)

15:00:  Introduction (Mercuriuszaal)

15:15-16:45:  Presentations & Q&A (Mercuriuszaal)

16:45:  Drinks (Openbare Beurs)

17:15:  Announcement Winner (Mercuriuszaal)

18:00:  End of event & Drinks (Openbare Beurs)

Inschrijving gesloten op 20 February 2023 om 16:43 uur
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