(event in English)
During this event we would like to explore how to create positive social and environmental impact with public markets investments. Public markets offer liquidity, scale and different shades of additionality and intentionality. The scale of the public markets can make a significant difference in pursuing impact.
15:00 Welcome – Ridzert van der Zee (Triple A – Risk Finance)
15:10 Impact landscape in NL – Laure Wessemius (Netherlands Advisory Board on Impact Investing)
Laure Wessemius will elaborate on the role of the NAB in the Dutch impact investing ecosystem and will provide an overview of the Dutch impact investing market.
15:40 Pursuing impact in listed equities – Wouter Koelewijn (Global Impact Investing Network)
Wouter Koelewijn will explain the role of the GIIN in the global impact investing ecosystem and will elaborate on their recent guidance on Pursuing Impact in Listed Equities.
16: 10 How to allocate to impact as an asset owner – Neal Hegeman and Jos Gijsbers (ASR)
As an asset owner, what should you need take into consideration when making impact investments: how do you decide on asset classes, how do you take liquidity, risks or preferred impact themes in account.
16: 40 How to invest in impact as an asset manager – Hilde Veelaert (Cardano Asset Management)
Impact investing comes with a lot of extra requirements. It asks for craftmanship to link your investments to the positive impact on the transition to a more sustainable world.
17:10 Discussion
17:30 Drinks
Location is the Rosarium, Amstelpark 1, Europaboulevard in Amsterdam. We hope to see many of you there and invite you to participate in the discussions