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Management Masterclasses by Chris Lemke

1 January 2024

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Management Masterclasses by Chris Lemke

(Event in English)
We are delighted to announce a new series of "Management Masterclasses", exclusively for members of CFA Societies Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands and Liechtenstein.

The series of 10 live online learning sessions scheduled from 12:30 to 13:30 CET on Wednesdays covers the core management skills, necessary for anyone in a team leading role. These live events will be delivered via WebEx by Chris Lemke, highly experienced professional management trainer, board member of CFA Society Luxembourg since 2013. Please note that these sessions will NOT be recorded because we want a comfortable and informal atmosphere. 


Management Gurus: a subjective selection
Wednesday 15th November 2023 - 12.30 1.30pm

This session takes you on a tour of some of the most influential management thinkers. We’ll look at:

1. Their place in management history
2. Their major contributions
3. The most quotable quotes


Mission, Vision, Strategy: where do you think you are going?
Wednesday 22d November 2023 - 12.30 1.30pm

This module covers:
1. Why you need a mission, vision and strategy for you and your team
2. Basic rules for creating meaningful statements
3. Creating an elevator pitch regarding your team’s purpose


Managing the Performance of others
Wednesday 29th November 2023 - 12.30 1.30pm

This session discusses:
1. The principles of management by objectives
2. Why nobody likes performance management
3. What you can do about it


Meetings should be painless
Wednesday 6th December - 12.30 1.30pm
In this session we try to figure out:
1. Why everyone complains about meetings
2. Why we still have them and endure them
3. What can be done to make them noticeably better


Making (virtual) Teams work
Wednesday 13th December - 12.30 1.30pm

This session is designed to help team members and team leaders to:

1. Address the specific challenges of virtual teamwork
2. Identify action points to improve team dynamics
3. Assess current strengths and weaknesses of your team


Giving Effective Feedback
Wednesday 10th January - 12.30 1.30pm

This session teaches a fool-proof recipe for using feedback and improves participants’ ability to:

1. Describe the characteristics of effective feedback
2. See feedback in a context of improving self-awareness and influencing behavior
3. Dramatically increase the chances that the feedback they give has an impact


Coaching & Developing others
Wednesday 17th January - 12.30 1.30pm

After this session, participants will be able to:

1. Define and describe coaching as a tool
2. Setup a coaching relationship and agree goals
3. Use powerful questions and listening skills
4. Explore options and give advice


Recruitment Interviews
Wednesday 24th January 2024 - 12.30 1.30pm

This session looks at interviews from the recruiters perspective and describes:

1. The seven (?) deadly sins of recruiters
2. The structure and basic rules of effective interviewing
3. What questions to ask


Constructive Conflict
Wednesday 31st January 2024 - 12.30 1.30pm

This session invites participants to:

1. Assess their level of comfort regarding conflict and disagreement
2. Appreciate the benefits of “good” (constructive) conflict
3. Start practicing effective communication in conflict


Managing upwards and sideways: bosses and peers
Wednesday 7 February 2024 - 12.30 1.30pm

This session gives advice on:

1. Establishing a productive relationship with your boss
2. Building alliances and staying in the loop with your peers
3. Surviving and navigating office politics

We hope you will be able to participate, and we'll see you there!


CFA Society Luxembourg


dagen uren minuten seconden
Registration closes 24 October 2024 at 14:10 Registreren

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