Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Beleggingsprofessionals
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Private Debt: Bridging academic evidence and investment opportunities

23 September 2021

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Private Debt: Bridging academic evidence and investment opportunities

The private debt market is enjoying increasing interest from institutional investors. Nevertheless, private debt investments still form a relatively small part of the total private capital market as well as a relatively small part of the portfolios of (institutional) investors. Empirical academic research into private debt is also still in its infancy. Certainly if we compare this with the empirical research into private equity.

In this webinar, Pascal Böni (Managing Director Tilburg Institute for Private Debt of Tilburg School of Economics and Management) will present a study on the return-risk characteristics of private debt strategies. A comparison will be made, among other things, with a number of liquid fixed income strategies. In addition, Natalie Howard (Head of Real Estate Debt) and Jerome Neyroud (Head of Infrastructure Debt) of Schroder Asset Management will dive into the investment opportunities in the real estate debt market and infrastructure debt market. These are two segments of the private debt market that are of particular interest at the moment.

The introduction to this webinar will be given by Hans de Ruiter (Pensioenfonds TNO).

Location and time

This event will be hosted online. 23 September 2021, 15:30.



Jerome Neyroud
Jerome Neyroud (bio)

Natalie Howard (bio)

Pascal Böni (bio)


Professional Learning Credits

Inschrijving gesloten op 23 September 2021 om 13:00 uur
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