Association of Investment Professionals in the Netherlands
My membership

Past events and speaker presentations

128 results
Online Open Evening RBA Program module 6

Online Open Evening RBA Program module 6

Enhanced sustainable investment in practice

Webinar: Dutch Housing Market

Webinar: Dutch Housing Market

Gezien de vele ontwikkelingen op het gebied van vastgoed en de Nederlandse woningmarkt wordt er een cyclus georganiseerd van een drietal Webinars waarin de ontwikkelingen vanuit verschillende invalshoeken worden belicht.

RBA program - Module: The future of manager selection, monitoring and evaluation

RBA program - Module: The future of manager selection, monitoring and evaluation

Classes & Lecturers

Annual Dinner 2021

Annual Dinner 2021

Central Banks and Monetary Policy: Powering Growth or Losing Firepower

Online Open Evening RBA Program module 5

Online Open Evening RBA Program module 5

The future of manager selection, monitoring and evaluation

Sustainable multi-factor bond investing

Sustainable multi-factor bond investing

With Ilia Chelomianski and Joe Hammer from Fidelity

China and its trillion dollar bond market

China and its trillion dollar bond market

The Chinese economy and markets today bring an almost irresistible combination of growth, size, diversification and yield.

With Vanessa Chan (Fidelity) and Thijs Knaap (APG) and moderated by Cees Harm van den Berg (APG)

General Members Meeting

General Members Meeting

2021-2022 budget, discuss plans for the future and looking back to the past year

EU Taxonomie en de duurzame indicatoren, hoe doe je zinvol due diligence?

EU Taxonomie en de duurzame indicatoren, hoe doe je zinvol due diligence?

Sprekers: Anouk in 't Veld, Adrie Heinsbroek en Pascalle Langereis

Inaugural event Private Equity & Venture Capital Committee

Inaugural event Private Equity & Venture Capital Committee

With speaker Felix Zwart and moderator Harm-Zwier Medendorp

Skill-Based Monday: Giving and Receiving Feedback

Skill-Based Monday: Giving and Receiving Feedback

A recipe for using effective feedback

Het nieuwe pensioencontract

Het nieuwe pensioencontract

Sprekers: Sacha van Hoogdalem, Lars Koopman, Gosse Alserda, Jitzes Noorman en Roel Mehlkopf

Skill-Based Monday: Emotions at Work with Chris Lemke

Skill-Based Monday: Emotions at Work with Chris Lemke

Self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness and relationship management

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