Association of Investment Professionals in the Netherlands
My membership

RMFI Register

62 results
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Ivo Roest
Drs. I.W. Roest MSc RMFI
Evert van Rooij
Dhr. E. van Rooij MSc RMFI
Paul Salomons
Drs. P.A. Salomons RMFI
Eelco van der Schagt
Drs. E.J.P. van der Schagt RA CIA RMFI
Marcel Schep
Drs. M. Schep MSc RMFI
Mark Schilstra
Drs. M. Schilstra MSc RBA RMFI
Stephan Schüller
Drs. A.S. Schüller RBA
Merette Schuurman
Mevr. M. Schuurman MSc RMFI
Eelco Sijtsma
Dhr. E.E. Sijtsma MSc LLM RMFI
Nathalie Struijk
Drs. N.H.A. Struijk RA CIA RMFI
Jorim van Taarling
Dhr. J.W. van Taarling MSc RA RMFI
20 PE points achieved in 2023
Edgar Uringa
Mr. E.P.L. Uringa MSc RMFI
Jasper Valstar
Dhr. J.M. Valstar MSc FRM RMFI

About RMFI register

Qualified Risk Managers can be enrolled in the RMFI Register. The register is maintained by the Stichting VBA Opleidingsinstituut Morreau.

Would you like to join the register?

You can only do so if you have successfully completed the postgraduate master's program in Risk Management for Financial Institutions at the Vrije Universiteit. Furthermore, membership in the association is a prerequisite for entry in the RMFI register.


Data privacy regulations require individuals to give permission for their personal data to be shared. The RMFI Register might therefore not be complete.

Have you completed the RMFI program and is your name missing in the register? Please send us an e-mail if you do want to be included.

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