Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Beleggingsprofessionals
Mijn lidmaatschap

Events en sprekerspresentaties uit het verleden

113 resultaten
Impact investing in public markets

Impact investing in public markets

(event in English) Hoe creëer je positieve sociale en/of milieu impact door investeringen in publieke markten? Publieke markten bieden liquiditeit, schaal en diversiteit, maar hoe kunnen wij deze gebruiken?

WIM: Career Development Workshop

WIM: Career Development Workshop

What's your career going to look like? And how will you get there? Our WIM committee has got you covered! An in-depth workshop with two career experts from Partners at Work & Escalier Executive Search : Ingrid Reichmann MSc and Christine Changoer.

ALM Congres 2023

ALM Congres 2023

Onderwerp: ALM in de wereld van AI, WTP en het klimaat

ALV van CFA Society Netherlands

ALV van CFA Society Netherlands

(in English)Algemene Ledenvergadering van de CFA Society Netherlands, met presentatie door van Es en van Dam over AI

Women In Investment Management Event: Personal Branding

Women In Investment Management Event: Personal Branding

(Event in English) Workshop "Ignite your Power Presence" with Francisca Dias. members and candidates only

Visie op Vastgoedallocatie

Visie op Vastgoedallocatie

De impact van macro-economische en geopolitieke ontwikkelingen op vastgoedallocatie. Ook delen experts hun mening over kansrijke segmenten

Bracing for the Storm: Navigating Climate Risk in an Uncertain World

Bracing for the Storm: Navigating Climate Risk in an Uncertain World

(Event in English) The annual risk event on climate, including an overview of climate risks, latest regulatory developments, and investment perspectives from both a bottom-up and top-down approach.

Launch event CIOP: Operational resilience and agility

Launch event CIOP: Operational resilience and agility

Eerste CIOP event onder de vlag van CFA Society Netherlands. Leden die belangstelling hebben voor Operations en IT in de beleggingsindustrie zijn van harte welkom.

CFA Investment Performance Roundtable

CFA Investment Performance Roundtable

(Event in English) Themes: asset management of the future, the impact of the new pension contract on performance measurement and the latest insights on the GIPS standards.

Annual Dinner 2023: Deglobalisation: The end of an era? SOLD OUT!

Annual Dinner 2023: Deglobalisation: The end of an era? SOLD OUT!

One of the highlights of the year, this year's dinner features Richard Baldwin (professor of international economics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva) and Marieke Blom (Chief Economist and Global Head of Research at ING).

RBA ceremony for the class of 2023

RBA ceremony for the class of 2023

RBA ceremony for the class of 2023

Algemene ledenvergadering (ALV) CFA Society Netherlands

Algemene ledenvergadering (ALV) CFA Society Netherlands

De Algemene ledenvergadering zal digitaal plaatsvinden, vereist registratie en is enkel voor leden en kandidaat leden

Lustrumviering Fusie in 'the Amstel Boathouse'

Lustrumviering Fusie in 'the Amstel Boathouse'

-Alleen Leden-
Vier met ons het vijfjarige lustrum van de fusie tussen VBA en CFA Society Netherlands, met borrel, DJ en andere verrassingen!

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