Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Beleggingsprofessionals
Mijn lidmaatschap

Events en sprekerspresentaties uit het verleden

113 resultaten
A Deep Dive into Value and Multi-Factor Investing

A Deep Dive into Value and Multi-Factor Investing

Quant webinar with Wei Dai from Dimensional Fund Advisors

Skill-based Monday Understanding Personality Types with Chris Lemke

Skill-based Monday Understanding Personality Types with Chris Lemke

This session describes a classic and well-researched psychology tool and improves participants' ability to:

Use a precise set of vocabulary behavioral preferences
Explain personality differences between themselves and others
Adapt their own behavior and see personality differences in a constructive way
Consider the four dimensions of MBTI when interacting and communicating

Risk Under Parameter Uncertainty and Price Movement

Risk Under Parameter Uncertainty and Price Movement

With Anish Shah, CFA

How to optimise your credit risk budget?

How to optimise your credit risk budget?

With Rik Bekkers (APG) and Gareth Isaac (Invesco)

Photos committee meeting 22 February 2023

Photos committee meeting 22 February 2023


Sustainable Bonds

Sustainable Bonds

With Jurgen Veenker (AFM), Adrie Heinsbroek (NN IP) and Christopher Wigley

Alumni borrel

Alumni borrel

Met Iris vd Looij van Dufas

Annual Dinner 2019

Annual Dinner 2019

Annual Dinner van CFA Society VBA Netherlands

CFA Society Netherlands Inclusion Survey 2023

CFA Society Netherlands Inclusion Survey 2023

We need your experience on inclusivity! If you are a CFA Society member, please take the survey!

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