Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Beleggingsprofessionals
Mijn lidmaatschap
737 resultaten
The future of responsible investing

The future of responsible investing

in VBA Journaal door

I am very honoured and thankful that the VBA Journal invited me to contribute to its special 150th edition. In this article, I will share my personal perspective on the responsible investing phenomenon. I will first look back at the past two decades in which responsible investing transformed from a niche product to a hyped set of investment solution services. I will then highlight several implicit trade-offs and conflicts of interest that materialize in the many manifestations of responsible investing such as divestment, engagement, and ESG-integration strategies.

Signals are green for quant investing

Signals are green for quant investing

in VBA Journaal door

In this article we will reflect on the developments in the field of quant investing and argue that the future looks bright. With decades worth of experience at actively navigating multiple investment cycles we have learned that a long-term winning formula can sometimes feel like riding a rollercoaster in the short run. Due to this cyclical nature quant investing is often more a test of character than a test of intelligence and ‘strong hands’ are a necessary condition for success.

Broadening our thinking as the basis for finance professionals

Broadening our thinking as the basis for finance professionals

in VBA Journaal door

Through the various crises in recent decades, it has become clear that the world is fundamentally uncertain – and not stochastically uncertain. With the new insights based on, among other things, complexity theory, it starts to dawn in science and in practice, that we need a greater diversity of models and tools. From Agent Based Modeling and network theory to premortems and scenario thinking. These will enhance financial risk management practices.

DeFi and the foundation of a new finance

DeFi and the foundation of a new finance

in VBA Journaal door

Out with the old

The Determinants of Institutional Capital Allocation to Real Estate

The Determinants of Institutional Capital Allocation to Real Estate

in VBA Journaal door

Pension funds around the world are increasingly investing in alternative assets, and the most important of these “alternatives” is real estate. We employ the CEM global pension fund database to shed light on the determinants of pension fund allocation to real estate, both over time and in the cross-section. We find that pension funds’ strategic allocation to real estate – net of return effects – is the result of the historical performance of real estate relative to other asset classes, and that pension funds quickly adjust their actual allocation rate to their strategic allocation decisions.

Unfortunately people are not donkeys

Unfortunately people are not donkeys

in VBA Journaal door

I was editor-in-chief of VBA Journaal from 2001 until 2008. We had just emerged from a period when most of the articles that we received were written by academics. Quite often, this meant that the content of the magazine and the requirements and interests of our readers were not properly aligned. From 2001 onwards it was mainly authors who actually worked in the financial sector that provided us with articles. In the beginning, this took some effort on our part, but the process became easier as time went on – especially because as editors we actively tried to come up with interesting themes and looked for authors to match.

A survey of the developments in quantitative finance

A survey of the developments in quantitative finance

in VBA Journaal door

Fast-speaking Koijen talks about the financial markets with great passion. His main focus is why financial markets fluctuate as much as they do. “If on a given day the market rises or falls, you can usually come up with a few possible reasons. But no one really knows. Even when quarterly figures are published, we have a hard time explaining why share prices go up or down. That is one of the crucial questions that my collaborators and I are asking”, says the professor.

Green hydrogen as an investment opportunity

Green hydrogen as an investment opportunity

in VBA Journaal door

According to the World Resources Institute, the energy sector is responsible for approximately 73% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Accordingly, directing capital towards investments that support the transition of the energy sector towards a decarbonised, decentralised, flexible, and consumer-oriented future will be a decisive factor in determining which global warming trajectory we will follow from here on out.

Samenvatting van RBA-scriptie

Samenvatting van RBA-scriptie

in VBA Journaal door


Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know: And Many Others You Will Find Interesting

Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know: And Many Others You Will Find Interesting

in VBA Journaal door

De wereld is onvergelijkbaar verbeterd in de afgelopen decennia. Armoede en honger zijn bijna verdwenen, grondstoffen zijn goedkoper, de aarde wordt groener, oorlog is een uitzondering, steeds minder mensen sterven door natuurrampen. Zo was de status althans toen Bailey en Tupy hun boek publiceerden, ruim voor het uitbreken van de Oekraïne crisis begin 2022.

De bonus die reële activa particulieren bieden, is voor institutionele beleggers slechts rompslomp

De bonus die reële activa particulieren bieden, is voor institutionele beleggers slechts rompslomp

in VBA Journaal door

Reële activa, daar hou ik van. Niks tegen ‘gewone’ beursgenoteerde liquide beleggingen hoor, en ja, ik kijk door de bril van een gewone, niet zeer vermogende particulier. Maar ik denk aan de vreugde die een eigen huis kan geven, of een vakantiehuis, of kunst en andere ‘collectables’ zoals bijzondere horloges, juwelen of klassieke auto’s. Die vreugde is formidabele bonus bovenop de waardestijging (meestal door ordinaire asset inflatie) die zulke activa op lange termijn soms ook bieden. Zeker ‘collectibles’ brengen vaak zoveel meer aan leerzame ervaringen met zich mee dan een passief belegde portefeuille van bijvoorbeeld trackers.

Zoeken naar voorspelbare cashflows bij infrastructuur

Zoeken naar voorspelbare cashflows bij infrastructuur

in VBA Journaal door

Het VBA Journaal sprak voor deze editie met Patrick Kanters, Managing Director Global Real Estate & Infrastructure bij APG Asset Management. Hij is bij APG AM verantwoordelijk voor de beleggingen in “real assets”, het onderwerp van dit nummer. In het geval van APG zijn dit met name beleggingen in vastgoed, infrastructuur maar ook zogenaamde “natural resources”. Deze laatste categorie omvat investeringen in onder meer bosbouw en agrarische grond. Patrick is, naast de real assets tak, ook verantwoordelijk voor private equity. Zijn team opereert vanuit drie kantoren: Amsterdam, New York en Hong Kong.

Hernieuwbare energie in de beleggingsportefeuille

Hernieuwbare energie in de beleggingsportefeuille

in VBA Journaal door

Afgelopen jaren heeft hernieuwbare energie een prominente plaats gekregen in de infrastructuurportefeuilles van veel Nederlandse beleggers. Dit is niet alleen het gevolg van een aantrekkelijk rendement-risicoprofiel maar ook vanwege de invulling die met name institutionele beleggers geven aan maatschappelijk verantwoord beleggen (MVB). Deze beleggers hebben ambitieuze doelstellingen op dit gebied geformuleerd en investeringen in hernieuwbare energie verwezenlijken hun bijdrage aan de energietransitie. De energietransitie betreft de overgang van traditionele, fossiele brandstoffen als olie, kolen en gas naar hernieuwbare of duurzame energie. Onder hernieuwbare energie wordt verstaan het opwekken en de productie van elektriciteit door het gebruik van natuurlijke bronnen als zon en wind.

Abonneer op onze nieuwsbrief